weevils in house

Remember my world is 20×20! Good to know about the DE repelling ants, though!Boric acid works great for ant areas ..been using it for may years. I had over ten different types of tea in my kitchen, and I found the little bugs crawling all over & inside the tea bags….. gross!I found them in a new box of family size teabags (Luxianne) They had also gotten into other teabags stored loose in the same cabinet. Called the Extension and they said they nest in the seams of the wood cabinets. If you happen to notice that you cooked weevils into something you already prepared, you can relax – it’s safe to eat, but it’s not going to be super appetizing with dead bugs in it!After you’ve removed contaminated food, you need to wash and vacuum your pantry. !Thats alotta wheat?

The diatomaceous earth works by piercing the exoskeletons of the weevils before drying them out completely.

Thanks for the warning! I had stored most of it in buckets, and the “mostly empty” bag fell behind the buckets and got forgotten.

I knew weevils could hatch out in my wheat.

What are the chances I have more somewhere? The Orkin Man™ is trained to help get rid of weevils and to help keep weevils from invading your home. Larvae look like tiny white grubs but they have brown heads. I have never had this issue when I use to rent apartments and houses.

Then, empty the infected food product into a plastic bag. Bees, wasps, ants, termites are examples of these, and really the only ones in the U.S. Maybe you were dealing with termites, but there are no “queen” weevils.We have weevils in our basement. But following what the next post said will get rid of themThat’s not weevils it moth, they also lay eggs in wheat. After reading many of the different stories that people posted I read the one about corn hole bags. I have even started freezing potato chips when they are on sale. It is AWFUL,speaking from experience.

Generally, pesticides are not required. Honestly, it’s no big thing to find bugs in our house.

Anything I bring home that is grain/rice based I freeze for a few weeks before I repackage to store. If you’ve experienced something like this, you’ll need to know how to control and get rid of weevils. When the eggs hatch it looks like worms and they make web in your food. They can remain hidden in the pantry for a long time. I even took the pressure washer and some bleach to that carpet thinking that would get rid of them for sure.


I am so grossed out, bought new food (opened bag before leaving store) How long will they be in my life? Whenever one is spotted on the floor, or wall, or countertop, we dutifully pick it up and drop it into the potty.

I knew now they could eat through the tough linings of cereal boxes, cake boxes anything– SOOOO… I have everything, in Mason jars and food saver suctioned all of my pantry goods and more.It doesnt help when I’m terrified of indoor bugs- they can stay outside and I enjoy gardening. I think and hope I finally have them out of my bathroom. It can’t hurt!explain using the diatamaceous earth in flour to me please. But if you leave those grains long enough, and haven’t taken some precautions to treat the food (more on that in a moment), you will have weevils hatching out in your pantry.Luckily, I was able to remedy the situation, but not without a great deal of work and stress that I had ruined my entire stores of wheat. Good luck!And I am positive it is weevils I saw a huge dead one between the flooring and googled a ton of pictures to make sure.Those are Pantry Moth larvae.

I even had to pull the carpet up in the closet to hurry the process. Adult weevils have unique elongated heads that come to points in snouts.

These weevils will also attack fruit, including apples, pears and grapes. I have 2 parrots and bought an infested bag of parrot food. These pans do not capture enough weevils to reduce the number of weevils entering homes. I succeeded in getting rid of them with the tea tree oil and persistence.Where did you get the stips, we’ve been fighting with them for a while.

I put a bay leaf in all my dry goods..from cereals to sugar to flours.

They are found in fields, gardens, orchards, and even worse, in your home.Larvae spend their winters in the ground, emerging as adults the following spring.

They gather at the windows trying to get outside. Better dead than alive.I think many of us have been guilty of procrastinating on such issues at some time or another. When you chase them out of one area they will just move to another part of the house so you must be very diligent to the point of being obsessive or they will prevail. These will prevent weevils from taking up residence in your pantry.If you are still storing any of your food in cardboard containers, make the switch to hard, airtight ones. If you leave flour sitting around for quite some time, weevils are more likely to lay their eggs inside. Any ideas how to eliminate? We replaced the rice today and will definitely put it in the freezer, maybe for 2 weeks just to be safe before storing it.I too have experiences this! So you leave it in the flour for cooking?

Each and every item in Xia’s room had to be thoroughly examined and then removed if I was to find all of the bugs.As you can imagine, this process took the good part of the day.

Freezing your grains will help. Thanks for the info!About how long until you didn’t see any more of these little bugs? Someone suggested it in a previous post.

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weevils in house

weevils in house
